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While talking with my assistant today, I recited all the things I planned to accomplish today. At the end I added, “and I hope to write a newsletter about procrastination.” She immediately corrected me and said,” You ARE GOING to write a newsletter about procrastination, not just hope to write it.” OMG, even as I spoke my intention out loud, I had weakened it by using wishy washy words about my goal.

Right then I realized one of my biggest causes of procrastination: the day was half over, and I didn’t feel the urgency to get it done… since I had no REAL deadline. You are happy to hear from me, no matter when I publish, right? I know your head is nodding in the affirmative…

But… if you remember, my word for 2020 is CONSISTENCY. It does seem that every two weeks I struggle to find the time to write my newsletter… something I promised MYSELF I would do religiously, every two weeks for the WHOLE year. Why? Because I have yet to add it to my calendar as a FIRM Deadline.

Let’s examine some of the other reasons why I, and perhaps you, procrastinate. Hopefully as we admit why we put things off, we can uncover some tips and tricks for moving forward on those things that we push off the “to do” list.

First, what is procrastination? I think it is putting off until tomorrow what you could do today. Webster’s Dictionary says that it means to “put off intentionally and habitually.” That sounds BAD doesn’t it? Kind of like some addictive vice you can’t seem to let go of.

But I refuse to admit that once you are a procrastinator you are ALWAYS a procrastinator. Like any other habit, especially a bad habit, you need to break the cycle and start to establish a different, more positive pattern. What you do to overcome your tendency to put tasks aside and supposedly do them later, may depend on why you are putting them off in the first place. The solution, in other words, is dependent on the root cause of your delaying attitude.

Here are some of the causes of procrastination. Which of these is the reason why you may be putting off a key project?

  1. Desire for perfection
  2. Fear of the unknown
  3. No immediate payoff
  4. Small tasks may be easier than the big project
  5. Lack of motivation…uncertain of end goal
  6. Unclear first step, don’t know how to start
  7. Often get distracted, and thus attention wanders, you never finish
  8. You avoid hard work and effort in favor of continually looking for the “lucky break,” “magic pill” or “silver bullet.”


My biggest one, is the desire for perfection. I never want to launch or publish, or share a campaign until I am confident that I have addressed all the possible problems, and their solutions. But if there is one thing I have learned as a small business owner: PERFECTION IS OVERRATED. Sometimes just getting started is the best way to make it happen, even if the idea is only half-baked. It’s sort of like the lottery…if you never play, how you can hope to win? If you never launch…how do you expect that project to add to your success?

The most common cause of procrastination mentioned by my students is #6. Not knowing how to get started… not having a plan, is definitely a detriment to taking that first most necessary step. The best way to overcome this cause for procrastination, is to get an accountability buddy who can help you break the tasks into smaller pieces, isolating the very first thing you must do to get started.

So buddy up, people! Find someone who also has a project to complete in the near future and ask them to partner up with you. The projects don’t have to be similar, they just need to be “figure-outable” so that step by step, you can create tasks in order, and deadlines to go with them. Your buddy shares the calendar deadlines with you, and helps to keep you on track with frequent check-ins. Have those check-ins over coffee, tea or wine… and you will be anxious to complete the next task so you can get to the next check-in appointment.

Let’s just briefly talk about the last cause. Honestly, very little in this world comes without hard work and effort. If your mindset is one of positivity which leads you to action, and you know that the goal of all you do is to spread more joy across the planet (that is what we are doing as entertainers…regardless of how we entertain), then you know that every action moves you to a place where more people benefit from that joy. If you have a business goal in front of you, and have defined what needs to be done to get there: Just start.DO IT TODAY!

Any effort in the direction of the goal is moving your business forward! Spreading more joy, creates more joy to spread!

What did you hope to achieve in the first few months of 2020? We are more than a month in…are you putting things off so they become easier? Are you trying to make your idea or concept perfect before you share it with the world? Do you understand how moving forward will increase momentum towards success? Can you see the step-by-step path of what you need to do? Get moving…because standing in the proverbial one place is not helping!

If you need some help to stop procrastinating, or you need to be partnered up with an accountability buddy, just reply to this newsletter. I will be happy to talk through your idea with you and help get it done!

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