973-252-9140 NJ
440-961-0841 OH

Two days before Christmas, the world lost a well-loved face painting veteran in our industry. She was my teacher, mentor, an inspiration and a friend. I was unaware of her passing until the first day of January and I had woken up that day with a phone call to her as the first item on my “to do” list. Coincidence? Perhaps, but in actuality, I knew that the daily Inspiration to Paint assignment for 1/1/19 was “inspired by Jocelyn” (but at the time, I thought she was just picked as a Master, or maybe it was her birthday).

I was thinking of her as I fell asleep the night before, designing a cool, face paint in my head. The phone call was to let her know I was headed to her hometown in March, and invite her to a “paint date.” (Like a playdate, but for artists, where we “practice” over glasses of wine)

As Face Painters and Party Entertainers we have the coolest job on the planet: making others laugh, smile, enjoy in play and creative imagination. I started in this profession as a way of making children smile. But my current job description goes way beyond that: it crosses all ages, for small parties and large, corporate and private, from the tiniest 3-month old whose christening is being celebrated, to the 100 year-old celebrating a momentous birthday. I get to be part of all of these occasions, meet and greet wonderful people from all walks of life along the way, sharing a smile, a laugh, a photo or a funny story. Painting isn’t work to us. And it wasn’t work to Jocelyn, it was “sharing joy.”

But at this time of year, when the leaves are gone, and evening darkness comes early, gigs in my locale are few and far between. The phone stops ringing, the emails slow to a trickle and no one is thinking of spring fairs, fund-raisers, or summertime fun. I don’t get to paint very much, and that makes me sad.

Hibernation in the northern US is not just a bear thing…I think people do it too. It’s very common to feel a post holiday “let down,” as family visitors depart, the decorations are taken down, the cookie tins are packed away, remaining leftovers are tossed, kids are back to school, and the house is returned to a semblance of order. People stay indoors and become isolated. Personally, I think it stinks, and I miss the noise, the clutter and the chaos. 

Layer on top of this the senseless death of a wonderful, loving artist, with an infectious smile and shiny red hair; someone whose quiet demeanor and simple explanation of light theory, color composition, and facial aesthetics made her classes informative as well as inspirational. I wonder if anyone of the rest of you are feeling sadness that surpasses the normal “winter blues?”   

We are in an isolating business, as we often work alone, run our own businesses as solo professionals and don’t have an office full of people to meet for lunch, or chat with over the water cooler.   

We have to make our own selves happy!   So here, are my suggestions for dealing with the doldrums, whether caused by winter chill or other circumstances.  

1. Everyone feels depressed from time to time, so be aware that you are not alone.   

2. It is good to share these feelings with others, so that they can help support you, and in turn, you help them to know they are not alone.   

3. Feelings of sadness are temporary, and if they are not, you may need to seek out a professional.  

4. You can find strength in meditation, spirituality, and prayer (whether you are “religious” or not).  

5. Go outside for some fresh air and Vitamin D from the sun. If painting makes you happy, pick up that brush and make it work, people!  

6. Physical exercise is a wonderful way of combating depression, and is scientifically proven to alter your mood if practiced regularly.  

7. Owning and operating a small business is full of highs and lows…we need the lows to appreciate how great the “highs” are. True character is defined by how you handle adversity, not by how you handle success.  

8. Times of disappointment and adversity often ordered a High Performance Planner to help me instill new habits in 2019.  

9. You can choose your own mindset, so make a conscious effort to change your focus away from negativity and towards hope and happiness. (According to most caterers, the champagne glass is only supposed to be half FULL).  

10. You can choose the direction of your business as long as you keep moving forward. Do something every day, no matter how small to move closer to your goals.  

“Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action. ” 

Benjamin Disraeli

One Comment

  1. Deborah Gary-Reply
    January 21, 2019 at 10:07 am

    Thank you for your article/blog. I am too was shocked and disappointed to hear about Jocelyn. I am visiting Phoenix and was supposed to meet up with her as well. 😪

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