973-252-9140 NJ
440-961-0841 OH

Did you ever think about what defines a professional from an amateur? Yes, the professional gets paid to share their skill, but there is more to it than that.

In our industry: party entertainment, it has to do with Preparation…Anticipation… Planning.

Amateurs “wing it.” Professionals think about what they want, and plan to reach that goal.

Amateurs fear that what they are doing won’t work. Professionals focus on doing the work to make sure that their goal is realized, even it means adjusting the course of direction, greater investment in skill training or education, or getting others involved to achieve the desired outcome.

Amateurs are always wondering what they should do next. Professionals have a plan, which is often a step-by-step sequential process of action items (“First, I will do this, and then, I will do that.”)

Professionals can earn more, have more pride and confidence in their work, and can have a great impact on the world around them. They have the capability to influence others, spread their capabilities over a wider part of the world, and serve more people who need them.

If you provide something that is truly valuable, or memorable, or helps to solve the problems of others, it pays to be a professional!

But what about your marketing? Is your marketing professional? Or are you a professional that has amateur-ish marketing?

Is your marketing program:
Ad Hoc?
Only in reaction to competitors?

If you are exhibiting an amateurish marketing plan to support your professional skills, just stop it! Your business growth will never be what it could be!

But, you say: “I did not become an artist and/or entertainer in order to become a better marketer! I want to spread memories, smiles, joy across the world!” Well, of course you do, you little Joy-Spreading Warrior you!

But unless you have some sort of secret connection to the people who need your services the most, and all of their friends and family, you will never be as impactful with your talents until your marketing is as PROFESSIONAL skills!

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