973-252-9140 NJ
440-961-0841 OH


Thank you for signing up for the six month business booster class, Accelerate Your Success. You have begun a fun and exciting journey along which you will be meet others, learn new things, build your client list, establish a marketing plan, and grow your business, during the first half of 2018. The value of the class depends on what you put into it, so please try to be present for all the calls, and if not, listen to the recording soon after the live call.

Additional details about the course will emailed to you as the course start date gets closer.

The best way for us to communicate for now, is by email, so don’t hesitate to let me know any questions you may have. Once we get a full group, we will establish a private Facebook group so we can share our thoughts on social media as well.

Sincerely yours,

Diane Spadola